Donate to Bevrijdingsmuseum Maastricht

Help our museum with a donation of money or materials, or by sponsoring a scene. We really need your help!

Bevrijdingsmuseum Maastricht is being built entirely by volunteers.
Donations, sponsorships and gifts are very important for us to realise the museum.
That is why we urgently need your help!
There are a number of ways you can help, and we would like to tell you more about them.

Donate materials

as a person

Do you have objects from the Second World War that you would like to donate or lend to Bevrijdingsmuseum Maastricht?

Then be sure to let us know!

Donating materials

as a company

Donations of building materials and tools are also very welcome. Think wood or paint, for example. Have an idea of how you can help? We would be happy to discuss the options with you. Feel free to contact us to discuss the options.


Cash donations will allow us to purchase materials to make the museum a reality. Any donation is therefore very welcome. Stichting Bevrijdingsmuseum Maastricht has Anbi status, which means that donations are tax deductible for both companies and private individuals. It is also possible for companies or private individuals to adopt a scene. Would you like to know more about the possibilities? Then send us a message!

I want to donate



Bank account: NL30 INGB 0675 9276 8 (swift-code INGBNL2A)